Three days of social mobilisation (8-10 June) kicked off today in Brussels and Strasbourg to mark the EU-CELAC Summit (10-11 June). The broad coalition aims at strengthening and giving visibility to existing resistances and struggles taking place in the two regions. They highlight new initiatives, which move away from the trade and investment architecture promoted by […]
EU-China Summit, “Two Major Forces For Peace, Markets, Human Progress”
China and the EU are two major forces in maintaining world peace, two important markets to promote common development and two civilizations to advance the cause of human progress, said Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China at the commencement of the 16th China-EU Summit, in Beijing. In a meeting with European Council President Herman […]
Digital Single Market By 2015… Upload ‘Optimism’ File.
The Digital Single Market is expected to be completed by 2015. It stands as a key priority on the Lithuanian EU Presidency agenda, said Lithuania’s President Dalia Grybauskaitė. But if there’s one thing politicians don’t understand very well, just one thing, it’s the digital world – ask Obama, or ask Merkel if you haven’t got Obama’s […]