“Don’t blame the fire brigade for fire damage”, ECB Exective Board member Benoît Coeuré urged Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee MEPs at a hearing held on Thursday to assess the economic crisis recovery work of the ECB/EU Commission/IMF “Troika”. This followed a committee debate on Wednesday about which findings to flag up in the Troika […]
MEPs Insist On Troika Jobs And Recovery Plan
Growing unemployment – especially among the young, leading to their emigration – the loss of small firms and rising poverty rates, even among the middle class, are the key impacts of the economic crisis and adjustment measures designed by the ECB/EU Commission/IMF “Troika” for Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Ireland, say Employment Committee MEPs in a resolution voted […]
Troika Time – Klaus Regling Gets Grilled By MEPs
MEPs questioned EU bailout fund chief Klaus Regling on Wednesday as part of their inquiry into the anti-crisis role and operations of the European Central Bank/IMF/EU Commission “Troika”. Mr Regling recognised that the remedies had created hardship, but stressed that the severity of the crisis had made the decisions taken necessary. He also said that […]
Tsipras Meets Rehn. The Bro-mance That Never Was.
In Brussels, Alexis Tsipras, Greek MP and President of Synaspismos, met with Mr Karas and Mr Liêm Hoang Ngoc, to be briefed about the progress of the ongoing inquiry by the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament on the role of the troika in the countries under Memorandum, Tsipras said: “We came […]