The complex issue of tackling dirty money flows is not new. The fight against money laundering and terrorist financing is vital for financial stability and security in Europe. Legislative gaps in one Member State have an impact on the EU. That is why EU rules must be implemented and supervised efficiently and consistently to combat […]
The Cost of Anti-Microbial Resistance – 10 Million Dead, $100 Trillion Lost
Antimicrobial resistance will kill 10 million people each year, with a total global GDP loss of 100 TRILLION dollars by 2050. That’s what UK economist, Lord O’Neill, told delegates at a recent health conference hosted by Wired magazine. It’s an exponential disaster already in motion, said O’Neill. Responding to Lord O’Neill’s interim analysis, Mario Pinca, […]
Europe’s New Innovation Principle, Making Policy Fighting Fit
“It’s time to put The Innovation Principle’ at the heart of Europe’s economic revival,” that was the key message at a recent high-level industry conference in Brussels. Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation said barriers between interdisciplinary structures must be removed to quicken innovation and accelerate competitiveness. He said it’s about […]
Is 2016 the Year of the Pandemic?
What if ISIS is the least of our worries this year? What if bacteria pose the greatest threat to Europe in 2016? Much like the rise of jihadi chaos, microbial resistance has been steadily, almost silently, expanding. We won’t see the impact of antimicrobial resistance in our everyday lives until it’s too late, until every […]
“Can superbacteria be defeated? Let’s try “says Mario Pinca of Copma,” There is evidence that cannot be ignored.”
Relentless and alarming scientific research, and a succession of sensational newspaper articles on multi-resistant bacteria have reached a climax. Academic and political concern for the consequences of multi-resistant bacteria on people’s health is increasing. Worst of all, there appears to be an absence of effective ways to counter superbugs, which are resisting even the strongest […]
“The PCHS system In Europe’s Hospitals Can Limit Dangerous Pathogenic Bacteria, says Copma’s Mario Pinca
“With the probiotic based PCHS system, in the European hospitals we may have more quality and higher hygiene standards counteracting the proliferation of the pathogenic bacteria” says Copma’s Mario Pinca. “Deaths caused by the HAI in Italy’s national health service are symptomatic of a critical issue throughout Europe’s healthcare centres,” said Mario Pinca, CEO of […]
Progetto europeo per una Sanità più sicura, Copma dice ‘L’ Azione è Necessaria’
“Il progetto Europeo per una sanità più sicura’ è un passo significativo per dare nuovo slancio e nuovo impulso a tutte quelle azioni necessarie a sviluppare ricerca ed a produrre innovazione nel segno della maggiore sicurezza per i pazienti” conferma Mario Pinca, Amministratore Delegato di Copma, fornitore italiano di punta nei servizi sanitari. “La recente […]