David Cameron is always convinced the EU is losing a few pounds, but more evidence of health fads at the Commission emerged post-Summit. Gone was mention of a well-toned financial Six-Pack, but, wait for it, we’re all buzz with REFIT… Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, is King of the Political Treadmill, but everyone […]
Digital Single Market By 2015… Upload ‘Optimism’ File.
The Digital Single Market is expected to be completed by 2015. It stands as a key priority on the Lithuanian EU Presidency agenda, said Lithuania’s President Dalia Grybauskaitė. But if there’s one thing politicians don’t understand very well, just one thing, it’s the digital world – ask Obama, or ask Merkel if you haven’t got Obama’s […]
Stronger Social Protection Urged For EU Workers. Too Late?
With glacial speed action will surely follow. EU leaders have met with trade unions and employers’ organisations (social partners) for talks on how to strengthen the social dimension of the EU and the euro area, including by better monitoring employment and social trends in future. The social partners joined European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, […]
Fight Club. Parliament Reverses Council Budget Cuts
The European Parliament reversed the Council’s proposed cuts in research and employment expenditure in 2014 in a plenary vote in Strasbourg on Wednesday. MEPs also reversed cuts in funding for international policy, such as humanitarian aid to the Middle East and Syrian refugees and added funds for the external border control agency Frontex. Parliament proposes […]